Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Month of Love Day 12 - Me!

Day 12 Love goes to me! Yep, This last 5 days has been really weird. I had some blood work done in preparation for an upcoming knee surgery and when I got the results back a few days later there were a number of "flags" on some of the different points tested, one of the most noteworthy was my hemoglobin was 8 and through learning a ton in the last 72 hours, they start doing transfusions at 7.9. WHAT? Since it was over a weekend, I sent the results to Julie, my personal medical adviser (LOL!) and she had a gazillion questions, but ultimately pushed me to first check with my orthopedic doctor, which I did and second, to get in touch with my primary care doc. She also asked about family history and my brother had a blood disorder and my sister actually had a form of leukemia as well. That did not make Jules feel any better. My ortho started asking questions like, "Aren't you tired?" Uh, yeah, but that's middle age and menopause, right? He said, "No, like really tired, like can you walk a flight of stairs without needing to rest at the top?" No. I made an appt with my primary care doc but I woke up this morning feeling odd like I was woozy and kind of short of breath. Jules told me to get my butt to the ER so I did, reluctantly. Dave is also checking with Dr. Google and I've gone from completely healthy to severely anemic overnight. After a short stay in the ER and another blood test, there are zero flags on my results and my blood looks great! I sent those results to Jules who informed me why she was being so pushy about following up and going to the ER, one of the things that came back on the first report was a strong indicator for a fast moving, usually terminal leukemia. YIKES! Imagine reading that from your best friend of over 40 years! Jules kept her cool and worried for me, for Dave and Mason, all while making sure I was doing what needed to be done. I think they mixed up my blood in the lab and where I got results that were really bad, someone who is not well, got results that they are making a miraculous recovery! I've checked with the lab to ask them to look into it and ultimately, I will request they remove those results from my record.

So today I love me, I love the woman I have worked really hard to become and keep becoming, I love my life, my little family, my best friend, our dogs, my tribe, the kitchen, my bed, oh, and my cookie cutters. LOL!! You get the point, I am incredibly grateful for this life experience I get to have with all of you! Thank you for being with me in this crazy little thing called life! #Monthoflove #SelfLove #LoveThisLife

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