Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Now Make Intentional Choices

Now that you are looking more closely at your environment and the people in it, make some intentional choices about who gets to be a part of your inner circle.

For me, my inner circle is that group of people that I allow to be with me. This is tough if you work with someone who you don't think is one of those people you would invite to your party of life, but there are things you can do to get through it. First and foremost, do not lower your ethical standards and accept anything less than you expect from yourself. Keep doing the good job that you are doing and let the negative energy take care of itself. As long as there is more positive than negative, the negative will usually just leave. Really!

If your work environment has more than one person making up the negativity, you have to ask yourself if the good this job offers you outweighs the dark space you have to live in 8 or more hours everyday. Only you can answer that, but let me assure you I have left a job because of a manager who was (in my opinion) pure evil.

Take a look at who you work with, then who you love, after that, family and people in general. It doesn't matter what order you choose, just know that you do have choices and you can have the best in all of your relationships!


Anonymous said...

This is so true! My current job has had several toxic people, one is my boss. However, my boss fell very ill last summer, and was close to losing her life. The close call has changed her attitude almost 100%. Another person, whom was seething with envy, greed, and hate, ended up leaving the company.
I also have to ask, what is my part? What can I do to keep this type of person from reappearing in my life again? Is this a lesson, or not? Sometimes they just cannot be avoided. But we are in control of how we allow them to affect us.

Kathy said...

Yes! That is where taking responsibility comes in. We all have a part (most of the time a big one!) in where we are, who we are with, ane what we are doing. If you want a happy, peaceful, productive life, make the intentional choices that will get you there!

Kathy said...

Yes! That is where taking responsibility comes in. We all have a part (most of the time a big one!) in where we are, who we are with, ane what we are doing. If you want a happy, peaceful, productive life, make the intentional choices that will get you there!