Friday, March 18, 2011

Become a Dog Show Handler - Orange Road #6

Have you ever had an interest in dog shows? I used to show my horse and I loved show day! The anticipation of the events of the day, the smells of lineaments, coat conditioners, and Show Sheen, a product designed to make a horse darn near sparkle! Everyone was in their finest clothes and of course, horses and their people were groomed impeccably. It was all very exciting.

This is one of those Orange Roads that may feel like you are backtracking or maybe even going the wrong way because this one is a little more extensive. You can start right now by finding out when the next dog show is going to be within driving distance. Start going to shows and watching handlers do their jobs. Pay attention to the dogs that win and think about what that handler did that maybe the others didn't do. Next, you will want to work with a breed you love, for me, it would be Cocker Spaniels. If you can, get a puppy from a breeder and start learning with your own dog. You will learn what the grooming requirements are and you can start teaching your puppy to stand in show pose and use the proper gaits. If you can't take on a puppy of your own right now, this is where you work with someone who can use your help and doesn't mind teaching you. Sign up for an attend classes given my the American Kennel Club. You can find clubs in your area by visiting the AKC website. Work with an experienced handler to find out what exactly paid professionals are responsible for. It's not uncommon for a handler to board the dogs, guide their show careers, train and condition them for exhibition and choose what shows to attend. If you get this far in the journey and find this is for you and you've gained some experience as a professional handler, register with the AKC or with the Professional Handlers Association

Becoming a Dog Show Handler won't be an easy task and to actually start making money doing it will take some time, but it's an Orange Road so roll up your sleeves and enjoy the journey!

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