Monday, March 3, 2008

March is All About Luck

Do you feel lucky? Do you think you're lucky? Yes or no, whatever you think, you're right!

With New Year resolutions, January was about health and fitness. Valentines Day in February made the logical topic relationships and love, so it makes sense to spend the month of March with St. Patrick's Day talking about luck.

I'm lucky. I always have been, in fact, it never occurred to me that I should be anything other than lucky. For me, luck starts with gratitude and gratitude is an attitude. When you are grateful, you tend to be appreciative of all things that you perceive as good. The more you give thanks for, the more you notice you have to be grateful for. It's a wonderful cycle.

What do you think, are you lucky? Do things seem to go your way? Even if they don't, can you see something good that comes from seemingly unfortunate events in your life? This will be a fun month and hopefully, you will ring in April with a whole new outlook on luck and your life.

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