Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Discipline for Success

Happy New Year! I have big plans for Intentional Winning in Life for 2008. I have been mapping out the whole year to cover the topics I think you will find critical to make the most of your journey this year.

When I look at this list and begin to prioritize the information, I find the first topic to address is discipline. Discipline is the single ingredient that applies to everything we intend to do and plan to succeed.

Discipline defined from my 1984 Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary has the first definition as PUNISHMENT (written just like that), and goes all the way to the fifth definition as a: control gained by enforcing obedience or order, b: orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior. It seemed strange to me that punishment would be first in line, so I considered the age of my trusty book, and looked in the most up-to-date version of the same book. I suppose working out when you don't want to, or not buying that super cute (and expensive) purse could seem like punishment in the moment you exercise discipline, and do the thing that will get you to your goal.

Here is what we see today as the definition for discipline:
Discipline. 1. n Training to ensure proper behavior. The practice or methods of teaching and enforcing acceptable patterns of behavior. Reflexive verb to make yourself act or work in a controlled or systematic way. 2. Order and Control n A controlled orderly state, especially in a class of schoolchildren. Transitive verb to punish somebody as a way of enforcing obedience. 3. Calm and controlled behavior. 4. Conscious control over lifestyle

I am going to cover topics each month through the year, including fitness and weight loss, family, personal finance, making time for self, career, goals, and community service to name just a few. With so many areas of our lives to address, we have to address balance. Prioritization will be critical, and once your priorities are in line, you need to get disciplined.

Join me on this journey and please, chime in with what you think. I want to know what your challenges are and what is working for you. Let's do this together, succeeding all the way. Happy New Year!

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