Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Will You Be Ready When Success Comes?

"Yes!" is the answer we will all shout without thinking about the question at all. What does success mean to you? Is it just money? For me, success is about thinking creatively, bringing talented people together and building something that many will benefit from. I want to make money, but am I ready for great wealth? I can't say yes, I've not always been a good steward of the money I've earned but I'm learning. I still struggle making wise money decisions every time, but I make good decisions most of the time. Every time I stay in control of our finances, I feel like I am closer to being ready for great wealth.

My point is this; are you right with yourself, your life, your choices, and all that you need to be happy and content right now, the way things are? If your answer is yes, then you very well may be ready for life and financial success on a grand scale. This is just my viewpoint and the barometer that I use to gauge where I am and where I want to go! What do you think? Agree or not, I would love to know.

1 comment:

Tania said...

I need to sort some things out before I'm ready for more.
I believe building upon something which isn't a good solid foundation will just fall in the end as I try to muddle through it all.
Health for me is number one, lose my extra weight, then buy lovely clothing,which gives me confidence. With confidence I'm ready to meet more people and not be shy. Without shyness I go further etc etc etc.

Am I ready right this very minute for wealth and success? No...but I will be next month ;-)