Wednesday, December 10, 2008

See's For Soldiers

Here's a photo of Dave last year with nearly $17,000 worth of See's candy donated through the Auburn Kiwanis club to be sent to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Walter Reed hospital in Washington DC. Wow, what a great year!

This year, with unemployment and the economy in such a mess, we have only been able to generate just over $1,200 in candy donations. This is the Kiwanis Club's only fundraiser for the year, so not only are the soldiers not getting these wonderful candy gifts, but our local community is also not getting the funds they need for scholarships, food baskets, and Boys and Girls Clubs activities, just to name just a few. If you want to help, e-mail me and I can get your donation where it needs to go. Contact Kathy at or Dave with the CA Army National Guard at 916-267-0669 to locate a Kiwanis See's store or to donate directly to the cause. Clubs participating are Auburn (Rock Creek Plaza - Kmart shopping center), Lincoln (Sun City Community Center and Trailer in the Rainbow Market parking lot), Roseville (Pleasant Grove Blvd next to Panerra Bread), and Rocklin. Call Dave for the location of the Rocklin store.

NOTE: 100% of the money donated goes to buy candy from the Kiwanis clubs to send to our troops!

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