Monday, December 1, 2008


Welcome to December! Do you believe? Believe in miracles, yourself, and your ability to find your true north? I believe in all of those things. Christmas is as much a state of mind as it is a time of year. "Whatever you think, you're right."

Let's mix the magic of Christmas with finding our way to our own dreams so we can be well on our way to intentionally winning in life right this very minute! Why wait until January first?

Write to me and tell me what your life long dream is and why you think you can't attain it. It may be that life, family, kids, bills, and any other myriad of circumstance seems to be in your way. Maybe I can give you another way to look at how you could be living that dream today. Along the way, I want to add a dash of cheer and sprinkle some wonder on your holiday season. Join me and share the dream that seems stalled.

Be silly, lighten up and see life through the eyes of a child. When was the last time you felt like anything was possible? My holiday wish for you is to see that dream come back to life and within reach right here and now! Merry Christmas!

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