Friday, April 25, 2008

Happy Friday!

Just a reminder that Intentional Winning in Life is about winning in all areas of your life. We're all trying to find balance and harmony, so each month we're talking about a different integral part of our lives. This month has been all about finances and money.

After reading the last two entries about credit scoring, can you see how there are multiple things to consider when utilizing credit while at the same time, considering how it'll affect your credit? It takes some time to get your brain around sometimes, and I find it helps to talk about it with someone else.

Last weekend you all had an assignment and I got a great response. So many of you set out to do something fun and free, and even some of you who had plans already found that something free came along. Mike went to a boat show (not his planned "free" activity) and while waiting to get in, someone gave him a free ticket! Way to go with the power of intention! I really just wanted to get you all thinking of ways you can have a great time without spending all your extra cash. Gas prices are way up, this is driving grocery costs up, and so it goes with everything. Cash is king and as long as you have something in reserves, you will have something to fall back on if need be.

Finally, send me an e-mail about your mom. Maybe the best advice she ever gave you, or a great story. I have special plans for May and our tribute to all moms! You can e-mail me at

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