Monday, October 5, 2009

Happy Fall!

I love, love, love this time of year! Here are a few of my favorite things that fall brings:

  • Shorter days. I love the way it gets dark earlier. It makes dinner around the table as a family more inviting.
  • The colors of the season. I've never met a single person who doesn't appreciate the wonder of Mother Nature's paint brush.
  • Apples. I love our annual trip to Apple Hill. Everything apple is part of the fun, but the day together with Dave and Mason is the best. We walk through the orchards choosing the perfect apples to pick and then we (really "I" because Dave and Mason think it's silly) take a moment to give thanks to the Harvest Gods. I take a bite of a fresh apple and give thanks for warm sunshine, plenty of water, and a bountiful harvest. Though my boys think this ritual is silly, they make sure it happens. Smiling.
  • Boots and coats. My hiking boots and my green wool hooded coat are my favorite things to wear. For some it's knit sweaters or heavy socks, no matter what, there is something comfortable about winter clothes.
  • Flannel Sheets and down comforters. "Nuff said!
  • And my favorite thing about the fall season is how we all come home. The summer months have us all over the place, up late, and away from home. September brings back the routine of school, early nights, hot meals, and a sincere sense of family.


Tania said...

you made me feel cozy :-) I like the same things, although I don't give thanks to any harvest gods. Sounds a bit Wiccan/Pagan... although they do wear dark cloaks/ modified snuggies and that would hide my few extra pounds ...hmmm I'm feeling kinda 'earthy' ;-)

Kathy said...

Laughing! The thanks to the harvest gods is just another way of being grateful for lots of fruit, sunshine and a bountiful harvest. No witches living here, except for maybe one week out of each month! Smiling!