Wednesday, May 19, 2010

One Year Report Card

One year ago I did a major declutter and I would like to say that my house is still pristine and clutter free. Not so. We live in our house so it's always in a state of "lived-in" disarray.

Here's my report card:
  • Laundry area: B+ Still in good shape with just a little clutter coming and going from the tops of the washer and dryer.
  • Bathrooms: B Also in pretty good shape but the main cabinet is collecting things that are coming in while others are not going out.
  • Pantry: C This area is tough as it has the most daily activity, from canned/dry goods to plastic containers, it's hard to keep this in good shape. I would say this is the space that needs the most constant attention.
  • Guest Room: A This has been the easiest to keep up because we don't use it as often. Now that my office is in this room, we will see how we fare.

Overall, not too bad. I really like living with less. I'm committed to continuing to keep the stuff to a minimum. One really cool upside is I find I'm saving money. As I mindlessly pick something up to purchase, I flash on getting home, where it will go, and do I really need it. Literally, nine times out of ten, the answer is, "No."

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