Friday, December 14, 2007

Christmas Cards

I love to get Christmas cards!

For some of my friends and family, it is the only time of year we reconnect. At first blush that sounds sad, but in reality, it is just fine. As I get older, I can appreciate that we don't need to be everything to everybody. This just means it's okay to have a festive communication with people you don't speak with the other eleven months out of the year.

I used to feel that if we thought enough of each other to send a Christmas card, why didn't we think enough of each other to pick up the phone in February, June, or October? I have come to realize that relationships can best be defined by a reason, a season or a lifetime.

There are people who come into our lives for a specific reason. Maybe it is a work project, a volunteer situation, or simply a transaction of some kind. These people come along, we do what we need to do, and we go about our lives going our separate ways.

Then there are the people who come along in the form of a new friend or coworker. There is something in common that creates the relationship however, it is not to be for the long run. Keep in mind, a season can be a month, a year, or many years. A season can also be the annual note in a Christmas card.

Finally, we have the people who are with us for the time of our lives. All through the year, and all through the years. These people for me are my husband (and friend) Dave, my family, and my best friends.

It makes life so much easier when you can just let be what is. As I learn it is not necessary to compartmentalize every aspect of my life, and define all the parameters, life is so much more fun. I love to get Christmas cards, and sending them is as much fun!

1 comment:

jessglancy said...

This is so true. I must admit I feel bad sometimes just sending a card once a year. But, that doesn't mean we think about that person only once a year, they are always in our thoughts. It is a way to show you still care without trying to keep a personal relationship with every one you know. It takes a lot to maintain those relationships with just our family and close friends. I think the holidays are a great time to let those people know you are thinking of them.