Friday, February 22, 2019

Month of Love Day 22 - Jennifer Rebecca

Day 22 in my Month of Love can only go to one person... Jennifer Smith Taggard! Our story is fun and funny and near and dear to my heart. We met at Sierra College in our advertising class. I walked in, already used to being the NonTrad in the class, NonTrad being a non-traditional student or old person. LOL! I didn't see Jen as an old person but she was clearly not 18. I sat down and immediately learned that she was not nearly as enthusiastic about being back in school as I was.

We walked from class talking and she told me that she was at school due to her divorce and she was being court ordered to get a degree. WHAT?! Can they do that? Yep, they can. The details don't really matter, I just went with being me and told her even if she arrived here because someone told her she had to, there would come a time when she would be glad she got her education. I believe that has come to be the case.

We became friends working together on projects for this class and I am so glad we did. We made a commercial and it wasn't long before she took me with her to Napa to pick up wine. It was in the late winter months and we went for the day. She took me to some of her favorite wineries and the day was gorgeous, it was crisp, clear and cold. We stopped at her favorite bakery and had lunch at The Farmstead, it was really lovely. Toward the end of the day, I had not purchased any wine and Jen made mention that I should at least get one bottle... I was sipping on quite frankly, the best glass of wine I had ever tasted so I said, "Okay, how about this one?" She added it to her tab and as we were driving home I asked her how much I owed her. She chuckled and said, "How about it can just be a gift from me?" What? No, I noted that she had paid for lunch and all my tastings were free, or she paid for them, I asked again. She told me that I had very good taste in wine, that the bottle I chose was one of the best and it was $$$ this much money. I laughed out loud and said, "Awesome! Can I make payments to you?" Yep, I financed a single bottle of wine. It really was lovely and I gave it to Dave for Christmas. When I told him the story, he set out a few thimbles on the table and said, "Let's invite our friends over for a tasting!" Yes, that is my first favorite funny story with Jen.

We have an uncanny way of not only finding money when we're out but intending what we will find and seeing that through! It's strange if we go more than a day without talking, although it happens, it feels weird. Another funny story, Mason, Dave and I were sitting in the hot tub and Mason originated, "Dad if something happens to you I want mom to remarry either Al or Jennifer." WHAT?! LOL! I said, "Al, okay, but you do know Jen and I are not gay." He said, "Yeah, well, she has great energy, you two would be really good together. Maybe an open marriage?"

The two of us have become very close in the last 7 years, we are meant to be together for the things I can teach her and the many things she teaches me. We have one of the best friendships in that we've had some tough times and been able to work through them through grown-up conversations, feeling safe to say anything, and know that no matter what it is, it's okay to talk about. I hope with all my might that we are a lifetime relationship, but one can never be all the way sure. I love you Jennifer Rebecca and I know you will find all that your heart desires as will I, and if we don't find what we think we need, we already have each other, so we've already won! Happy 2/22 and Month of Love! #MonthOfLove

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