Friday, February 15, 2019

Month of Love Day 15 - Johnny

Day 15 in my Month of Love goes to my brother Johnny. He and I are closest in age in our family of 5 kids so it stands to reason we would be closer emotionally. Nope! Not so much! LOL! As young people, we had 5 years age difference between us him being older, so the last thing he wanted to do as a teen and young man was hang out with his little sister. In fact, like many big brothers, he would likely have rather eaten broken glass than hang out with me.

With that said, I do have a handful of funny brother/sister stories and I don't think he would debate or argue them. When I was 5 or 6, Johnny and I were messing around at home and he had an idea to give me a rocket ride. I didn't know what that was, but I was excited that he wanted to do anything with me so I said okay. For those of you who don't know, a rocket ride is where the bigger kid gets on his back and pulls his knees into his chest. The littler kids sits on his feet and he propels the littler one into the air for a "ride." I was the smaller one and I was so excited to be doing something with Johnny, I didn't even realize I was facing a wall as I sat on his feet. He propelled me right into the wall, he laughed and I cried! There was another time we were at a creek near where we lived and someone had tied a rope swing on the big tree. He and his friends were playing on the swing when I came over to play, too. His friends took off and he let me get on the swing, in fact, he helped me get on the swing and pushed me across the creek. Now, this creek was more than a little trickle of a stream, it was somewhat deep. He pushed me and then as I would come back to his side, he would grab the knot I was sitting on until I slowed down so much I was now just hanging over the flowing creek...and I caught on that I was stuck. He was looking at me snickering and I started to cry. That was more than he could take so he walked into the creek that was darn near waist deep and carried me out of the creek to the bank. He looked and me and said, "I don't know why you are crying, I'm the one that is soaking wet!" Finally, my favorite story he will get but it's likely you guys won't find as funny. Our dad worked from 4 PM to midnight so he would be home when we got home from school. When he didn't work, he would lounge on the couch and watch tv until he fell asleep. Johnny and I were having dinner while he was on the couch and he ripped a huge, loud fart! The two of us burst out laughing so loud, and he got mad, really mad! He did not think it was one bit funny, but the two of us could not hold our tongues. He sat up and sent the two of us to our rooms and we obeyed him, but only long enough to peek out our bedroom doors to make eye contact and start the uproarious laughter all over again! We were caught up in that laughter so much so, our dad got even more mad and stormed off to his bedroom slamming the door so hard it felt like it shook the whole house! We came out to finish our dinner and continued laughing.

Johnny and his wife Brenda live miles away like the rest of my family so we keep in touch on social media and an occasional phone call. Families are complicated and mine is no exception. I love that Johnny and I can talk on the phone and share our grown up adventures, his with his off-the-hook jeep, and mine with my little family and Mason's big life. He and his wife Brenda have started a new kayak touring company. Hopefully we can all get together soon and they can show us around their lake. I love you both! Happy #MonthOfLove 

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