Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What's The Point?

The whole month of August was about what to do when the road blocks and barriers make you feel like giving up. Maybe those stops are signs that it's time to investigate new Orange Roads or more often than not, just take a break. Let go of your expectations, put your focus on something else and come back to your project a bit later.

The point is, we all know the things we need to do; relax, breathe, try something new, exercise, get more sleep, eat right, laugh, all the same stuff that keeps us well in other areas of our life. We know it, now is the time to live it. I did, and let me just tell you the time I took off was pure heaven. I even made some changes in my personal belief system about who I am and what I love about myself.

Now it's time to get into the last quarter of 2011 with four more Dreams Not Come True. I would love your input and how you apply Intentional Winning in your life. Leave me a comment here or e-mail me at

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