Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Photography Orange Roads

Intentional Winning in Life is about finding all the alternate routes to your dreams. When one first sets their sights on a dream, they see one way to get there. As soon as a road block appears, they think their dream is over. No! There are hundreds and hundreds of other ways, Orange Roads you can take to make your dream come true and maybe even find some new ones along the way!

This month has been all about photography and I thought what better way to share the Orange Roads than from the professionals who are doing it? I hope you like this and are taking notes. I would love for you to come back and share what tips were useful and what you have done to make your photography dreams come true!

Special thanks to Carol Gardner and Zelda from Zelda Wisdom for the use of the ever appropriate Road Map image! You can be inspired and see many more of these wonderful Zelda images at and sign up for Zelda's Daily Dogma and get a smile in your e-mail each morning! LIKE Zelda on facebook.

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